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Maths at Meadows First School

Our Curriculum Intent:

We offer the children at Meadows a balanced mathematics curriculum based on the National Curriculum and our very own bespoke Meadows Curriculum (Unique child, Positive relationships, Key knowledge and skills, Love of Learning, Global Citizens) in order to develop a range of mathematical skills for our children.

We aim for all pupils

Our intent isembed a deep understanding of maths by employing a concrete, pictorial, abstract approach – using objects and pictures before numbers and symbols so that pupils understand what they are doing rather than just learning to repeat routines without grasping what is happening.

Implementing our Maths Curriculum:

Each lesson focuses on a manageable step of new learning based on the NC statements and the  White Rose Hub scheme of learning which has been adapted to suit out school context. 

Maths Year Group Overviews:




Lesson Design - How are maths lessons structured?

Calculation Policy