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Our Aims


Our  vision is supported through our aims:

We believe school should:

  • be a place which every child remembers with affection
  • develop a rich acquisition of vocabulary to enable children to confidently  use spoken language in different situations. 
  • be a happy, stimulating and safe learning environment for everyone
  • develop a growth mind-set and a 'can do' attitude
  • inspire and empower everyone to be the best that they can be
  • recognise and support children's needs so that they can thrive emotionally, socially and academically, and be happy
  • be a place where pupils' voices are heard
  • develop independent learners, encouraging Meadows Mouse's steps to success
  • provide a broad, balanced and stimulating curriculum
  • promote a love of learning
  • become polite, caring and respectful citizens.
  • embed pupils' awareness of British values through their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

As a school, we have 5 core values that form the basis of our curriulum: 

unique me

positive relationships

key skills and knowledge

love of learning

global citizenship

These form the foundation of the education of our pupils; the well-being wheel is embedded within these. Through these values, our aim is to develop well-rounded individuals who will have the skills and aptitude to be fully prepared for life in the modern world, and feel empowered to make a difference as global citizens to the world in which they live.