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Daily Routines

Welcome to Meadows First School 

Meadows First School is a Maintained School.  The school is part of the first stage of the three tier system: First Schools cater for children aged 3 – 9 years, Middle Schools cater for ages 9 - 13 and High Schools are for children aged 13 - 18.  Meadows First School has a 26 place full- time nursery. Children are initially admitted into the nursery in the September after their 3rd birthday, and stay for one year. A place in the school nursery in no way ‘guarantees’ a place in a reception class at Meadows the following year; parents need to apply through county for admission into reception. Children start school in September, at the beginning of the year in which they are 5. They stay with us until they transfer to Middle School at the age of 9.  There are two classes in each year group from Reception to year 4. The pyramid of schools with which we have close links comprises Parkside Middle School and North Bromsgrove High School. Meadows First School and Parkside Middle also share a Mainstream Autism Base, which is located within the building.

The children are placed in mixed ability groups within their age groups:

Early Years Foundation Stage

Nursery –  (mornings & afternoons) (age 3-4)
Reception (age 4-5)

Key stage 1

Year 1 (age 5 - 6)
Year 2 (age 6 - 7)

Key stage 2

Year 3 (age 7 - 8)
Year 4 (age 8 - 9)

Procedure for checking the identity of visitors to the school

When arriving at school, all visitors have to sign in at the office (using the electronic, photographic identification system) and are then issued with a visitor I.D badge which must be worn at all times. This enables us to know who is on the premises in case of a fire and also informs staff that robust checking and safeguarding procedures have been followed. When a visitor leaves, they must sign out using the I.D. badge which is then disposed of.

School Day Times

Nursery opens from 9.00 am (with early starting times available)

YR-Y4 - official start is 8.45am for the rest of the school. Reception enter through the year 1 playground and go straight to their classroom, where their teacher will greet them; Y1 & 2 enter via their classroom doors, and Years 3 & 4 wait in the Y3/4  playground, for their teachers to take them into the building.

Nursery- 9.00am- 12.00 and 12.00 -3.00pm (lunchtime is 12 – 12.45 if required – some children can choose to stay all day and some children will leave or arrive at 12.00). Flexible hours for Nursery children means that some children may start at 8.30am and they can finish at 3.30pm)

 The total time in a typical week for YR - Y4 equates to 32.5 hours

AM      9.00 – 12.00    Nursery                            PM     12.00 – 3pm    Nursery 

           8.45 – 11.50    Reception                                     12.50 – 3.15    Reception

           8.45 – 12.00 Yrs 1 & 2(KS1)                                 1.00– 3.15      Yrs 1 & 2

           8.45- 12.15    Yrs 3 &4 (KS2)                                1.15 – 3.15       Yrs 3 & 4







9:05 – 9:20 am

Values  assembly


Small Hall


9:05 – 9:20 am

Whole School Assembly Rights respecting

Dance Studio


9:05 – 9:20 am

9:05 – 9:20 am

10:45 – 11 am

YR and nursery birthday assembly

Year groups assemblies (KS1)

Year groups assemblies(KS2)

YR Classroom




9:05 – 9:20 am


Singing Assembly

Large hall



9:05 – 9:20 am

Meadows Mouse Celebration  Assembly

Large Hall



AM 10.00 – 10.15 Reception          10:30 – 10:45 Yrs 1-4         10.35 – 10.50 Yr 2
PM 2:30 – 2:45     Reception, Years 1 & 2

Start of the Day

8.45 start: A member of the SLT greets the children and takes messages from the parents to pass on to teachers as soon as the bell rings. Reception and KS1 children should access the school via the side access road and then wait on the playground for the teachers to meet and greet them at the door of their classroom. Reception parents can speak to class teacher on the classroom door (although we ask for parents to keep messages brief in the morning in order for the teachers to settle their classes. Longer messages can be passed to SLT or kept for the end of the day.

 Parents for children in KS2 wait in the Y3/4 playgound. The children will line up ready for the teachers to take them into school. Please leave messages with SLT or wait until the end of the day for longer messages.  Busy work is organised for children to settle down to. The doors are closed at 8.50am: Children arriving after that time will need to sign in at the school office.

Pupils place their coats in the cloakroom, PE kit bags on pegs and lunchboxes on trolleys or boxes under pegs, and bring their reading bags into the classroom to be stored in trays.


Parents can call school explaining absence – the attendance officer makes a note of the call and forwards this to class teacher in admin bag, or pupils return to school with a note from home.  The Attendance Officer will telephone all parents/ carers when a child is marked absent on the register in order to discuss the reason for being absent.

Drinks & Snacks

Pupils order milk (pupils receiving milk will be noted on a class list & displayed on classroom notice board) or bring water and in Year 1 - 4 they may also bring in a healthy snack (no crisps or biscuits) for morning break.

We do try to encourage healthy snacks as part of our Healthy School ethos.

Reception and Nursery have fruit provided: children can access their milk/water and fruit at any time during the morning session.

Lunchtime break - pupils are supervised by the lunchtime supervisors.

There are games and activities to occupy the children on the playground. Y3 /4 have a reading shed which they can also use. 


12.00 – 12.45          Nursery

11.50-   12.50          Reception

12:00 – 1:00            Years 1 & 2

12:15 – 1:15            Years 3 & 4

End of the Day

At the end of the school day pupils are escorted to the playground, or sent from classrooms if the door leads directly onto the playground where parents are waiting; children remain with the class teacher until collection by parents/carers including collection by after-school Care Club. Children awaiting collection remain with their class teacher until 3.30 pm - after this time they will be escorted to the main office area where parents are contacted. If parents cannot be contacted or a child has not been collected by 3.30pm, The Head Teacher (or in his absence- the Deputy, or a member of SLT) will be informed and a decision as to what action should be taken is made.

Arrangements for children leaving school for appointments

Office staff will collect / return children from the classroom when parents/carers arrive.


At Meadows we expect all children to wear school uniform. If a child is not wearing school uniform, and no explanation is offered, the class teacher should approach the parent to discuss the matter. If there are any further concerns, then please inform the head teacher. (please see our uniform policy - click here)

Lost Property

All clothes should be labelled. When items are found, we try to return them. Unclaimed property is displayed for parents at the end of each term.  If not reclaimed, it is donated to local charities. Lost property bins for the school are under the main staircase.

Jewellery and Make up

Jewellery and make up (including nail varnish) should not be worn by pupils in school. Earrings are not permitted unless the pupils have pierced ears; these children can wear studs. On PE days, studs should not be worn. If worn, they must be removed by the child (or taped up by the child if the ears have recently been pierced), and remain their responsibility. Long hair should be tied back for PE, especially swimming. Children may wear watches, but they must be removed for P.E.


Medicines are not to be administered by class teachers. Where the attendance of a child is dependent upon receiving specific medication, our first aiders have volunteered to support the administration of medicines. Where specific permissions are given for medication, all medicines must be clearly labelled, and parents will need to complete a permission slip which is available at the school office.

Parent Communication

Teachers chat with parents after school quickly sharing issues and are available for confidential discussions as necessary by arrangement. Each morning a senior member of staff is on duty  for parents to discuss issues with, if needed. 

Weekly Newsletter to Parents

Each Friday a newsletter is emailed which shares information regarding forthcoming events, updates of information etc to parents. Reception Classes and Year One also send out a newsletter, emailed direct to parents. Hard copies are kept in the office and they are also put on the website. 


It is almost inevitable that within the complex interactions of a school, misunderstanding may occur despite the best intentions of all concerned. We hope that parents would approach the school with any concerns so that the issue can be quickly resolved. However, if a parent feels that the issue has not been resolved, they can refer to our Complaints policy.

Policy for Racial Equality

Racial harassment, whether verbal, emotional or physical, will not be tolerated from any pupil, parent, member of staff or any other adult associated with the school. Any incident of alleged or confirmed racial harassment would be reported to the Head teacher.

Child Protection

Mr Satchwell is the designated teacher for Child Protection (DSL), and Mrs Dwyer, Miss Bailey, Mr Tunnicliffe and Mrs Dodman act as his deputies in his absence. At all times, they keep each other informed of current issues. There is also a Governor, Andi Lynch, responsible for Safeguarding (Mrs Barrow is deputy safeguarding governor).