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Name Term of Office & Appointed as Term expiry Relationship school staff Current employment/business & financial interests Other establishments governed Meetings Attended

Jane Barrow

Chair of Governors

4 years 20/09/2025 None Assistant Head Teacher None 4/4
Mr Gavin Oliver 4 years 16/04/2027 N/A Bank Manager None 3/4
Mr Martyn Rollason 4 years 16/04/2027 N/A Account Executive None 4/4
Louise Beck 4 years 15/01/2025 School Office Manager Office Manager at Meadows First School None 2/3
Wendy Dwyer 4 years 30/11/2023 None Deputy Headteacher None 4/4
Georgina Chancellor 4 years 29/04/2026 None Solicitor Gowling WLG None 4/4
Andi Lynch 4 years 08/07/2026 None Associate Assistant Head, Learner Welfare and Inclusion. St James Academy, Dudley None 2/4
Elisa Parker 4 years 09/04/2025 None Finance Assistant - Bitters 'n' Twisted None 4/4
Jane Wilson 4 years 31/12/2025 None Head of E-Commerce None 4/4
Tina Davies 4 years 06/05/24 Parent Governor Tax Adviser None 4/4

Louise Slack 

Clerk to the Governors

  01/01/2021 Finance Manager Finance Manager at Meadows First School None 4/4

Role of Governing Body

The Governing Body works with the Head Teacher and creates a clear understanding of the challenges faced in managing the school. The governing body's role is to question and challenge. A good working relationship is essential as a real critical friendship is only achieved where there is trust and mutual respect.

The Governing Body sets the general direction of the school, looking at how it should best develop and improve. This is done by reviewing and agreeing policies, setting targets and priorities and monitoring and reviewing aims and objectives.

Click here for the Instrument of Government for Meadows. 

Click here for the statutory duties of our Governing Body.


The Governing Body has a professional attitude and uses their collective skills to benefit our learners. It gathers views, asks questions and decides what is best for the school and the children.  They hold full meetings each term and assign specific tasks and responsibilities to individual governors as listed below. We hold a general meeting each term, which covers strategy, buildings/finance, personnel and curriculum. We also hold a  separate meeting each term which has a  specific focus on Finance and Buildings. 

Please click here for the Terms of Reference of the Governing Body and here for the Finance & Buildings sub committee and Individual roles. Other Terms of Reference are available on request from the school office for Appeals, Discipline Committee, Head Performance Management, Hearings Committee.

Please click here for our school's Financial Benchmarking. 

Governor Newsletter to Parents