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Meadows Curriculum

Our curriculum is based around our five main principles (curriculum drivers) along with our Well Being Wheel and the National Curriculum.   Our five principles are: Unique Child, Positive Relationships, Key Knowledge & Skills, Love of Learning, Global Citizens.

Our curriculum starts with the child acknowledging their unique needs (Unique Me)and aims to inspire a love of learning (Love of Learning), as well as equipping our children with the skills and knowledge necessary for the next stage of their learning (Key Knowledge and Skills). We want our children to have no ceiling in their aspirations and empower them to take ownership of their own learning (Meadows Mouse). We want our children and all members of our school community to build positive relationships and work together to create  a happy and kind school (Positive Relationships).  As a Rights Respecting School, we want pupils to be fully prepared as global citizens for life in the modern world, and feel empowered to make a difference as to the world in which they live (Global Citizens).

Our curriculum embeds the values of our Wellbeing Wheel so that children are supported to become resilient, confident and respectful learners.   Our school motto is “Caring, sharing, preparing for life”

Our Curriculum

Love of Learning

Our theme- based, literature-rich curriculum embeds deep learning, ignites curiosity and broadens our children’s awareness of cultural capital. We use memorable and purposeful learning experiences for pupils to discover a world of possibilities and opportunities.  I have the right to an education which develops my personality, talents and abilities (article 29)



Key Knowledge and Skills

Our broad curriculum has a clear focus on developing deep understanding of the key skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and maths. Knowledge and skills are sequential and built upon to support progress across the school. Vocabulary development plays a vital role in this.  I have the right to learn and to go to school. (article 28)


Positive Relationships

The curriculum at Meadows supports the development of positive, respectful relationships and pupils’ understanding of their well-being, such as keeping safe, being physically healthy and having a healthy mind. I have the right to have friends and play (article 31) and I have the right to be safe (article 19)



Unique Child

The curriculum at Meadows is child -centred, and character building (if it’s not good for our pupils, we don’t do it). Children use Meadows Mouse to develop life-long learning habits and they are given the tools to be confident, resilient and independent with no ceiling to their achievements. I have the right to be myself and express my thoughts and opinions  (article 2,8, 13, 23 and 29)


Global Citizens

As a Rights Respecting School, we want pupils to be fully prepared for life in the modern world. We want them to know their right to have a voice and feel empowered to make a difference and affect changes as global citizens to their community and the world in which they live.  I have the right to be listened to and taken seriously (article 12)