01527 872508 office@meadows.worcs.sch.uk Parent Pay

Personal Development

Working with the wider community

We, at Meadows First School,  like to work with the wider community.

We often have different people into school to talk to and work with the children, including Jon the Potter, Idris the Chef, the Animal Man and representatives from Waitrose who talk about healthy eating.

We also go outside the school to take part in sporting events and bellboating.

At Christmas, we hold a service in All Saints Church and our choir go out to sing to the residents at Brook Court Retirement Home.




Please click on the images below to see our assembly overviews.


Diversity and Inclusion Calendar

We have developed a diversity, inclusion and awareness calendar to higlight important equality, diversity and inclusion dates that occur throughout the year, including holy days, religious festivals, health and well-being awareness days, as well as specific education-focused equality events.  These dates will be higlighted through our currculum, assemblies, in class discussions and through visits and visitors.  Please click the image below to find out more.