01527 872508 office@meadows.worcs.sch.uk Parent Pay

Starting school & new admissions

New Admissions to School 

We wish all of our prospective families a very warm welcome to our school. We look forward to being able to meet you soon. Any queries can be sent to the office or fill in our contact form. Thank you.

If your child is already in Reception please CLICK HERE for some helpful support and information.

For all our New starters in September 2024: The following links will help you get a 'feel' of starting school 

 Nursery Ducklings   

  Reception Goslings (Mrs Barker and Mrs Tromans)     Reception Cygnets ( Mr Wilbrooke).

class pages (opens up a new page on the website)          click here (all about me to fill in and give to your teacher)

'Early Years' page for further details                        click here (opens up a 'padlet' full of information for 24-25) 

click here  (24-25 intake                                             Our school mascot, 'Meadows Mouse'. click here.

 PPT (a taster of what to expect)                                          starting times for September 24-25

Please note that we do not allocate our own admissions - this is done by Worcestershire County Council. If you have not been offered your choice of school, please get in touch with admissions at County hall. Thank you.



360 virtual tour         EY curriculum.       head teacher's welcome      meet our staff