01527 872508 office@meadows.worcs.sch.uk Parent Pay

Views on our school

Parents Feedback

Ofsted Parent View gives you the chance to tell Ofsted what you think of your child's school.


Below, find the results of the questionnaires that Meadows parents and children have completed.

We are delighted that the results show that the children appear to have a happy and productive time at Meadows.

Parents Questionnaire Analysis February 2024

Parents Questionnaire Analysis February 2023

Parents Questionnaire Analysis February 2022


Parents' Forum

We look to hold regular parent forums as they are a way for schools to encourage parents to get more involved in school life.

They're informal meetings where parents come together to raise issues, be consulted on school policy and give their views on a wide range of topics.

We use parent forums to:

  • Learn about our school community and parental perspectives, context and history
  • Raise school awareness of parental views that otherwise wouldn't be heard
  • Consult on change, such as school improvement, projects, policy proposals and local issues in the school community
  • Triangulate governor, parent and staff viewpoints
  • Gain support for school projects or goals

If you would like to be involved in future meetings, please speak to the school office.

Meeting minutes 1/3/24

Meeting minutes 17/5/24

Parent View

For our Parent View information, please click here.